Something to Read, Listen to, and Install

Many of us are enjoying a vacation right now, so I’ll keep this one short.

READ: Why More Traffic Can Mean Less Revenue

A golden oldie.

➥ ACTION: Take 5 minutes to read it. Then, answer these 3 questions:

  • Who/what are you using as your “smart Bob”?
  • How do you ensure your “tools to measure value are very accurate”?
  • How do you “keep Bob from wasting money on customers who were walking into your store anyway”?

LISTEN: PPC Rockstars

The PPC Rockstars podcast is your ticket to the juiciest tips, tactics, and techniques on all things PPC, straight from the industry’s foremost paid marketing thought leaders.

➥ ACTION: Relax at the beach. Take a sip of that cocktail. Listen to the latest updates in our field.

INSTALL: Script to check if account is offline

You are not the only one enjoying the summertime. Your client might be doing the same right now. And she just might have forgotten to add some money to the credit card… resulting in the account being down due to payment issues. If/when this happens, you want to be alerted straight away so your client does not unnecessarily miss any leads and/or revenue.

➥ ACTION: A no-brainer. Just install the script to be the first to know when an account goes down.

LOOSE ENDS: Tired of Zoom meetings that serve no purpose? Here’s an escape:

– Nils

the most underused feature

Here’s a quick update on my latest endeavors.

Scripts Done For You (Coming Soon)

Maybe the language of code looks like ancient Greek to you. Or you’re afraid that installing scripts will result in disaster: completely ruined setups and account performance. Your worst nightmare.

It seems safer to just keep doing things manually. Spending hours in Excel isn’t as bad as scripts automagically removing all of your ads, is it?

You know scripts can make your working day feel like a breeze… you just don’t think YOU can get them to work for YOUR account.

You’ve tried copy-pasting some scripts in the past, but error messages were all over the place. Or, you tried to run it, but then… nothing. You felt dumb.

You THINK you simply don’t have the skills to have scripts make you shine like a real PPC Rockstar.


Well, you can.

Safely install and run scripts in your accounts with my ‘Scripts Done For You” – Google Ads Script Installation service.

Start with the best scripts. Master script installation like a pro. Run your scripts with total confidence.

You’ll be able to order this service before the end of the month.

Right now, I’m looking for thoughts on some of the details I’ve added lately. I’d like to get your feedback and opinion on it. In return, you will receive early bird access to the service once it goes live later this month.

Interested? Hit reply.

Now, on to today’s notes…

READ: SMB Google Ads Onboarding Checklist

A nice checklist shared by one of our PPC friends on Reddit.

ACTION: Compare the list to your own. Anything missing?

WATCH: Google Ads Automated Rules Tutorial And Best Examples

Last week, I posted a Q on Linkedin: “What do you think are the most underused features in Google Ads?”

The response was overwhelming and one of the features that got mentioned the most was Automated Rules. So…

➥ ACTION: Get yourself a coffee. Watch the 12-minute video (TIP: 1.5x times the speed). Try at least one new automated rule today!

LOOSE ENDS: Here’s a tweet I’m pondering…

– Nils

Three Bullets

Hi All,

Here are 3 quick things I’ve been enjoying or pondering.

3-minute READ: Three Great Google Ads Filters

➥ ACTION: Test these three in your account, then come up with three more filters that are even more valuable.

3-minute WATCH: Google Ads IF Function Run Through

➥ ACTION: If you’ve never used the IF ad customizer feature — watch the video, and why not try it for ‘device’ as a starter?

3-minute CHECK: PPC Management Checklist

Get the rhythm when you get the blues.

– Nils