One of the perks of running a remote PPC business is you get to work from any location at any time you want.
Currently, I am in the Caribbean, escaping Europe’s lockdowns.
Every morning, I go swimming in the turquoise blue water of the sea in front of the house.
While swimming, I like to watch the fish and think about how I can improve the performance of my Google Ads accounts. (Jeez, is that really me?! Yep, I am afraid so…)
When I have an idea, I’ll memorize it using this memory trick.
Many of the best optimizations in my Google Ads accounts have come from this habit of thinking about my accounts.
Here’s the thing: no one will ever know your Google Ads accounts as well as you yourself know the ones you set up yourself and manage every day/week.
Outside advisors and tools (like a consultant or an audit tool) can provide some new insights, but you, dear reader, are the person who best knows your accounts.
And because you’re the person who best knows your account, it’s good to spend time thinking about your account (as opposed to be working in your account):
- What went well in 2021?
- What would you change?
- What will you do differently this new year?
I like to think about questions like these while swimming. And I’ll do breaststroke. And think. And breaststroke some more.
And when I have an idea, I’ll memorize it using the memory trick.
And then I’ll swim some more, think some more, and ask myself questions:Â
- Where am I leaving money on the table for my clients?
- What is the one change that would reduce 10% of wasted ad spend?
- How can I increase conversions by at least 30% over the next three months?
- What experiment can I come up with to test one of the latest features in the Google Ads platform?
When I get out of the water, I’ll write down the ideas as I have them. Some will be great and some will be terrible. That’s fine. What’s important is spending time thinking about my accounts (instead of working in my accounts).
And the good news: you don’t need to be swimming in the Caribs to do this.Â
You can block out 30 minutes on your calendar to really think about your Google Ads account (without interruption) and write down ideas as they come to mind. That’s a highly productive activity!
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m late for my swim.
– Nils