You want to increase your output?

Assuming you want to get the most out of your time, it makes tons of sense to find new ways to do your work quicker, better, and more easily.

This could mean building elaborate systems like complex script automations or mosaic Excel macros. Luckily, it doesn’t have to.

Here’s a simple setup that you can create in 30 minutes and will likely save you a lot of time in the long run.

Hotkeys and Text Expanders

Install a text expander application on your devices and load it up with text snippets that you frequently use. 

Inside Google Ads, I use it to easily paste the standard disclaimers that are required in my ad copy and to paste the default call-to-actions.

Outside of Google Ads, I use it to paste email signatures and some canned responses I frequently use in my email communications.

The tool I use is (There are loads of other options, too.) 

To come up with your first batch of snippets, go to your recent ad creatives looking for anything repetitive. Even small things like the URL to your website, your top keyword, or a descriptive phrase can make a big difference. 

I also use AutoHotkey to create keyboard shortcuts.

Some examples of my keyboard shortcuts include:
– [Windows key + X], with X being a single digit, to open different browser profiles (since I use different profiles for different Google Ads accounts)
– [Windows key + ‘e’] to open Google Ads Editor
– [Windows key + ‘x’] to open Excel

What are your favorite shortcuts? I’m curious to know. You can email me about them at

– Nils 

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.