Mastering Performance Max using Google Ads Scripts

Quick question: what exactly does Performance Max maximize?

I’ll let you go first.

You: “Performance Max maximizes my profits.”
Me: “No.”

You: “Ah, I see. I am tracking revenue, not profit. So Performance Max maximizes my revenue.”
Me: “Nope.”

You: “Uhh, OK, then it must be conversions.”
Me: “No, again.”

You: “What? What else is there? Clicks then?”
Me: “No, no, no!”

You: “WTF?!”
Me: “It’s spend. Ad spend. Performance Max maximizes your ad spend, as long as you let it.”

If you are 100% convinced the last statement is complete BS, you can stop reading now and open the next mail in your inbox.

If, however, you are like me and you think it’s an interesting hypothesis worth testing and letting the data speak for itself, then my column on Search Engine Land might be of interest to you.

If you are already convinced it is true, this is your lucky day because we’ve got some interesting scripts to help you stop Performance Max from wasting your money.

Here’s the link again:

– Nils

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.