“It’s so much better to have everything in GAQL”

Long-time list member Vincent Hsu sent in this response below to one of my latest emails, shared with permission. (A URL to my original email’s contents is provided below for your convenience.)

“Justed checking in to tell you that this Newsletter is great 🙂 Just what I needed to update to GAQL today !
AWQL still silently converts to GAQL silently in the background so things continue to work in most cases, but it’s so much better to have everything in GAQL isn’t it :-)”

I love responses like this! It is this kind of replies that make writing my emails all worth the effort 🙂

More importantly, Vincent is right. Google is trying hard to make the new Google Ads environment backward compatible with the old scripts. 

Still, it’s better to migrate your scripts to the new environment and upgrade your code. This includes migrating AWQL to GAQL.

Here’s why:

1. The code that Google uses to provide backward compatibility is (still) buggy. This means not all code from the old environment will work properly in the new environment. (Just head over to the Google Ads Script forum and you will see what I am talking about.)

 2. The code that Google uses to provide backward compatibility is slowing down your scripts. Running legacy scripts in the new environment unnecessarily slows things down. This means you may reach the execution limit of 30 minutes and your script will simply stop.

So, start migrating your scripts!

Any scripts left unmigrated will be automatically migrated and may be paused next week, on October 31, when legacy scripts sunset.

– Nils

PS: Here’s a link to what I wrote in my original email -> https://nilsrooijmans.com/daily/query-migration-tool

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.