A question I always say yes to

Every now and then, an email lands in my inbox that requires only one word in the reply.

The one word is “Yes.”

The email usually goes something like this:

“Hey Nils, I just thought of X, should I test this?” (*)

And then I go: 


X can be anything.

“I want to add dashes at the start of my headlines to stand out, should I test this?” 


“My colleague suggested we add custom sitelinks to our top ad groups to increase clicks. Should we test this?”


“You suggested adding converting search terms as keywords to our ad groups. Sounds like a lot of work. Should we really test this?”

Yes (and use a script to do so).

“Google suggested changing our keywords to broad. Should I test this?”


“Should we test Max Conversions bidding on our competitor campaign?”


The answer is yes.

Always Be Testing.

– Nils

(*) By the way, I love emails like these! So, if you are testing things now, or are considering testing something, please share by sending me an email at nils@nilsrooijmans.com.

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.