[Google Ads Script] Monthly reporting: my very basic version

I don’t do fancy reporting.

In the end, there are only 4 numbers that matter:

  1. Google Ad Spend
  2. Gross Profit (from Google Ad Spend)
  3. My Google Ads Management Fee
  4. Your Net Result (‘net result’ = ‘profit’ – ‘ad spend’ – ‘management fee’)

Here’s what that looks like:

Here’s how I automate that via Google Ads Scripts: https://nilsrooijmans.com/google-ads-monthly-reporting-script-my-very-basic-version/

Go ahead, try the script right now!

It only takes 5 minutes to set up, and your clients will love you for the simplicity.

Happy scripting!

– Nils

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.