audit checklists…

Ever needed to perform a Google Ads audit?

Chances are, like me, you’ve googled for hours, trying to find free (or paid) checklists of all the things you can (easily!) check in a Google Ads account.

Google promptly presented some shitty blog posts from agency websites, mediocre articles from SEJ and SEL and the likes, and with a little bit of luck, a Google Sheet or Reddit post that actually had something interesting to say.

The problem with audit checklists is, they are almost always:
1 – outdated
2 – irrelevant for _your_ account (what lead gen advertiser has ever heard of GMC?!)
3 – too generic 
4 – all of the above

So you end up creating your own checklist.

Which is a LOT of work.

BUT it IS worth it!

Both for prospecting (new clients) and quality assurance (retention). And efficiency (wasted ad spend). And education (team members). And…

Over the last 10+ years, I’ve created my own list with over 500 different items to ‘check’.

These checks range from simple things like ‘Display expansion disabled on search campaigns?’ to hard things like ‘Do the bid strategies align with short-term and long-term objectives?’ (how the hell do you “check” the latter?! please teach me).

And with each and every new audit, I challenge myself to add at least 5 new checks to the list.

My biggest learning: having your own unique audit checklist(s) creates unique value. That list will enable you to create unique actionable insights for your boss/client/prospect, with relatively little effort.

Today is the best day to get started on your own Google Ads Audit Checklist, and here’s our friend Ed Leake to help you get started:

– Nils


Ed actually has over 400 practices in his PPC Framework that you can transform into your unique checklist. They are part of the God Tier Ads Framework.

If you want to simplify account management, take back control, and improve results (or your money back) -> sign up for Ed’s God Tier Ads.

Use my discount code “NILS100” at checkout for $100 off. Pay once, get lifetime access to everything.

I’d still share these tips without the kickback…Ed’s pro tips have made me way more money than I’ll ever see from commissions, but a few extra bucks is nice!

Here’s the link again:

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.