the case for CRO

Once upon a time, there was a PPC freelancer who knew more about the Google Ads platform than all Google Reps combined.

Uhh, wait. Sorry, I meant she knew more than all PPC specialists combined.

Yes. That sounds better.

Every day, she would tinker with all the details in the platform and test each and every setting, as if her life depended on it.

Her nickname was “PPC-pedia.” Every PPC boy knew where to find her if they had any questions on Google Ads.

Her real name was Shadira.

One day, Shadira inherited a Google Ads account which had been managed for 5 years by a decent PPC professional.

His name was Bob.

Bob was good.

Good, but not “PPC-pedia”-level.

Not Shadira. 

Now, it was Shadira’s job to grow the number of leads per month, at a sort-of-similar CPL.

“No problem,” she thought.

Her, being the uber-platform-specialist she is.

And so she went:

  1. N-gramming her way through the SQRs to negate the wasted spend away
  2. Up-QS-ing the top keywords that generated 80% of the clicks
  3. “Enhancing” those conversions to get more data in
  4. A/B-testing ad copy to the point where even David Ogilvy could not come up with better headlines
  5. Ramping up new audiences to target ever more specific and high-converting niches

But still, progress looked like a 90s dial-up connection trying to load the Google Ads UI.

Shadira could not get the account to grow. Not in a profitable manner.

That is, until finally it hit her:

(The numbers are fictional, but the ratios are factual.)

Here’s the thing: no matter how perfectly structured your account is, how well-chosen your keywords and audiences are, and how convincing your ads are, a poorly-designed landing page will cripple your ability to scale the business.

– Nils

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.