take back control of PMax with these scripts

Want to take back control of the PMax algorithm and reduce wasted ad spend?

Join me and hundreds other PPC freaks in two weeks at SMX Munchen!

I will be presenting my ‘PMax Scripts Library’ and how it prevents Google’s money grab.

– stop Google from overspending your budget on clicks with below-average conversion value
– prevent PMax from re-entering the learning phase when top sellers go out of stock
– make sure PMax doesn’t take priority over your standard search ads
– remove under-performing products from wasteful PMax explorations
– exclude spammy placements (lead fraud, anyone?)
– … and more

URL: https://smxmuenchen.de/en/agenda/
(You can use coupon hms15rooijmans to get 15% off)

If you’re at the event — come find me, present yourself as a PMax Maverick, and I’ll treat you a coffee, a beer or… a script.

– Nils

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.