Spinning Time Suck

Here’s a question of nonsensical proportions:

“Ever experienced a terribly slow-loading Google Ads interface?”

It’s probably the biggest time suck for any PPC professional managing Google Ads.

Next to using Google Ads Editor as much as possible, here are some fixes:

1) Open up all your views in separate tabs. 

Simply right-click the link to that campaign or ad group, open it in a new tab, and navigate your way in there. If you need to go back, simply click on the prior tab. This will save you a ton of frustration because you would not need to reload every view every time.

PRO TIP: All these tabs consume a lot of RAM, so use an extension like The Great Suspender to close them when you are not actively using the view.

2) Next time you’re confronted with the spinning Google Ads interface, click this link to keep you mentally sane.

3) Still frustrated and struggling with brutal load times? Try clearing your browser cache and cookies.  

4) The last resort: get yourself a more powerful computer.

The Google Ads interface is computationally expensive. More CPU power and RAM will go a long way.

– Nils

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.