Introducing roHs

We all measure our return on our ad spend, right?

We all know we need to track both the cost and the conversion value.

That is simply because we improve our account’s performance by measuring
and analyzing both the ad spend and the return.
ROAS (or its nephew CPA for that matter) guides us on what parts of our
accounts to improve. Without the data, we would be shooting in the dark.

Yet, when it comes to our own personal performance we track nothing.

How do we as PPC Specialists perform?
What parts of our actions really made a difference?
What tasks are merely a time sink?

If we want to increase our performance as a PPC Specialist,
we need to keep track of both our investment (time & energy), and
it’s returns (improvements in the results of our ad accounts).

Analysing the resulting data will give us trustworthy insights into
the different PPC-related tasks we need to optimize.
We want to spend more time on the things that really move the needle, and
we want to reduce the cost (time & energy) of tasks that have low returns.

That’s why today, I started tracking my Return On Hours Spend.

For every PPC-related task I track the time involved in finishing
the job, and I force myself to quantify the impact of the changes I made
next week/next month.

It might not be any fun. But I know a month from now, it’ll make me happy.

— Nils

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.