[SMX Advanced] Google Ads Audit Workshop

Do you ask yourself any of these questions?

“Is my account in optimal shape?”

“Am I wasting budget on parts that don’t convert?”

“Are all my settings set to the best, and still in place?”

“Am I missing opportunities for significant growth?”

If so, come join me in my SMX Advanced workshop:

Google Ads Auditing (partly automated via scripts)

In this hands-on workshop, we will go over some of the more advanced auditing techniques for Google Ads, that you will immediately check in your account.

We will also automate some of the checks and analyses via scripts. Don’t worry if you don’t have any scripting skills; the scripts will be readily available for you to copy-paste during the workshop.

After the workshop, you’ll be able to impress your potential clients, colleagues, and your boss with unique insights to improve almost any Google Ads account!


Here’s a sneak peek of one of the things we’ll cover (based on a post from /r/PPC):

“I have on multiple occasions turned off the Google search partners option, but the next day somehow the option keeps turning back on. Eating up my entire budget with useless leads. Any ideas on why this might be happening and how I can fix it?”

Turns out, it was an auto-apply recommendation setting…

Easy fix: check the recommendations tab and the auto-apply settings.

But here’s the thing: you CANNOT sit back and simply trust Google to apply automations that will benefit your objectives.

Don’t trust, verify!

Verify by testing.

Use scripts to continuously monitor the test data for you.

Here’s one of my favorite examples:

[Google Ads Script] Search Partner Performance Alerts

This script compares the performance of the Search Partners to the Google Search Network.

In case of a significant difference in CPA/ROAS performance, the issue is logged in a sheet and an alert is sent via email. That way you’ll know when Search Partners aren’t performing, and you can opt out of the Search Partner network for these campaigns.

Interested in more info like this?

Sign up for the workshop 🙂

Click here to apply »

(Use discount code ATFPPCP24 to get 20% off the workshop and the rest of the event.) 

Seats are limited. It’s not too late, but it will be soon.

I hope to see you there!

– Nils

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.