Have you ever wanted to add the same ad schedule to tens of campaigns?
I did. Today.
And trust me, the Google Ads UI makes it very hard to do this without you wanting to send your mouse on a one-way trip to the wall! You literally have to click each and every individual campaign, and add the ad schedules for each individual campaign… over and over again.
Luckily, there’s a quicker way: using Google Ads Editor.
Here’s how you do it:
1) Create your desired ad schedule in one campaign
2) Open Google Ads Editor
3) Download your campaigns
4) Select “Campaigns” in the type list
5) Select the campaign with the ad schedule you want to copy
6) Select “Edit” > “Copy shell”
7) Select all the campaigns where you want to paste the schedule
8) Click the Paste icon in the edit panel next to “Ad schedule”

That’s it. This saved my mouse from its funeral today.
– Nils