[Consent Mode V2] View your impact results (Part 2)

Yesterday, I shared my biggest question regarding consent mode V2 and Google Ads:

“What percentage of my conversions are “tracked” thanks to this conversion modeling?”

(For your convenience, I’ve provided a link to my write-up below.)

In theory, we should be able to see the uplift in the Diagnostics tab of our conversion action inside Google Ads. 

Unfortunately, I do not see any.

It appears I am not alone in this. Many of you responded with the same experience: zero, nothing, nada report on “impact results.”

At the same time, there were also quite a few responses that helped shed some light on the issue. (If you were one of those who shared some screenshots with me, thanks a ton!)

Here’s why many of us (myself included) haven’t been seeing consent mode impact results in any of our accounts: uplift data will only be shown for up to 4 weeks after the modeling start date!

Fellow member of the list Tomas Vlcko sent in this screenshot (shared with permission):

Here’s another thing that’s good to know:

“In order to be able to meet our rigorous confidence thresholds, you’ll need to meet the following quality checks:

1. You have correctly implemented consent mode or the IAB Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF v2.0).

2. You have a daily ad click threshold of 700 ad clicks over a 7-day period, per country and domain grouping.

Once the above criteria are met, our models enter training periods.”

SOURCE: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/10548233

Nadine Dankwardt also shared these amazing insights (shared with permission as well):

Here’s a potential reason you do not see the report:

Modelled Data is too low to show (this could be esp. the case when you implemented the basic version). You could check your opt-out rates via your CMP: high opt-out rates could mean a higher potential of more modelled data. From my experience (V1): Although we had it installed in a country with high opt-out rates and very high volumes, it took very long, until the modelling started (more than half a year) … So better check your consent mode modelling table from time to time – it could start showing up anytime, and you might miss it, as you won`t get informed by our friends at Google…

Another reason: You had the V1 version installed and upgraded to V2 – results won`t shown up again for the V2 (as they were already shown for the V1)

That explains it for me.

What remains now is the question: why the hell is Google hiding this data from us after 4 weeks?! We need this data to make proper adjustments to our smart bidding targets, right?

Thanks again to everyone who responded to my write-up from yesterday. Your replies were so bright, I had to wear sunglasses just to read them! (And that means a lot to me, given the current weather conditions in Amsterdam.)

– Nils

PS: As promised, here’s a link to my write-up from yesterday — https://nilsrooijmans.com/daily/consent-mode-v2-view-your-impact-results

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.