Google Ads Script Review – Campaigns Reporting Script (Fun Edition)

Campaigns Reporting Script (Fun Edition)

What it does:
This Google Ads script creates a nicely formatted email that reports the performance of your campaigns. It includes funny emojis to quickly help you discriminate between good performing campaigns and bad performers.

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Why you care:
Simplistic reports like this can give you a quick and easy look into your account’s performance and ensure all is well. Peace of mind with a single click 🙂

Why I like it:
This script is 100% generated with AI. In a few minutes. Without any coding skills required!
The author, Geert Groot, used the latest version of the Large Language Model Claude AI to create the script for him. It only took two prompts:
1st: Make me a Google Ads reporting script for enabled campaigns.
2nd: How can we make this more fun.
Note: Geert doesn’t know how to code. He’s learned the basics of scripting (partly via my course on using GPT to create scripts for you), and has experimented a lot with prompts to learn how to have LLM’s create script for him. With success!


After installing and running the script, have a look at the output in your inbox. Come up with some ideas to improve the report and customize it to your own needs. Then head over to your favorite LLM (ie: ChatGPT/Claude/Gemini) , feed it the script, ask it to explain the script and then ask it to improve the script and implement your requirements.
Don’t give up if it doesn’t work immediately; simply feed error messages back to the LLM and ask to fix it. Treat the LLM like your new intern. Be patient, be concrete in your requests. Be surprised 🙂


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