Your Brand is Not Your Brand

Today’s inbox had a surprise for me.

One of the subject lines reads:

“[GAds Script | BRAND Alert] Impr Share below target for account xyz”

The email was generated by one of the scripts that monitor my BRAND campaigns.

Like many of us, I like to aim for 100% absolute top impression rate for brand keywords.

My script was originally created to alert me whenever a competitor starts bidding aggressively on keywords with my brand name. This kind of competitor bidding often results in my brand keyword’s absolute top impression rate dropping below 95%. When that happens, you know it is time to increase some bids and call some of your best “friends”.

Not this time, though.

Upon further inspection, it turns out the drop in my impression share wasn’t caused by any of the competitors.

It was Google!

The “close variant matching”-thing is working its magic and matching something like [eazzysleep] to ‘eazzzy mattress’.

You gotta love the creative genius in that, right?


Here’s today’s advice: if you haven’t done so lately, you might want to check those SQRs in your brand campaigns and negate some keywords. (Pro tip: add it to your calendar as a recurring monthly check.)

– Nils

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.