Is today a good day for guiding the machines? (If you’re Dutch, the answer is probably “Yes”)

There is growing confidence among weather forecasters that the Netherlands may be hit by heavy, heavy snow and frost early next week.

20-30cm of snow in 24 hours! 

This is extreme for us Dutchies. 

In the field of Machine Learning, scientists have a name for outliers like this: anomalous data. And it is this kind of data that fuels nightmares for AI engineers. Their algorithms just can’t handle it.

The same goes for Google Smart Bidding. Sudden drastic changes in conversion rates and/or conversion value derail the prediction models learned by the smart bidding algorithms.

Luckily for us, Google knows this and offers a solution for us to help keep the smart bidding on track. It’s called ‘Seasonality Adjustments,’ and this feature can be used to inform Smart Bidding of expected changes in conversion rates for future events.

Now, I bet you that conversion rates for certain products and services in the Netherlands will go through the roof in the next few days.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see a tripling or even quadrupling of conversion rates for snow shovels!

If you’re on smart bidding and selling ice scrapers, ice skates, or cross-country skiing materials for the Dutch, this is the time to help the machines.

Go create a seasonality adjustment!

Here’s a quick and handy video tutorial by the great Joe Martinez:

– Nils

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.