do you exclude countries/cities that should never see your ads?

Did you know?

Even when your advanced location options are set to “People in or regularly in your targeted locations”, you might still see a few clicks from random places. It can add up over the year. 

More importantly (especially with PMax), even without clicks you might get chunks of impressions that could hurt ad quality score.

Here’s how that could look:

(in all fairness: these numbers are very small so I don’t really see an issue here, but you get my point)

And here’s how I learned about this:

Yep, that’s Ed Leake’s GTA Performance Framework, helping me again to fix an account I just took over. 

Curious to learn: do you get a significant chuck of clicks or impressions from outside your targeted locations? 

Go ahead, check it right now. It only takes 2 mins!

– Nils


Ed actually has 400+ more valuable items on his checklist. They are part of the God Tier Ads Framework. If you want to simplify account management, take back control, and improve results (or your money back) -> sign up for Ed’s God Tier Ads.  

Use my discount code “NILS100” at checkout for $100 off. Pay once, get lifetime access to everything.

I’d still share these tips without the kickback… Ed’s pro tips have made me way more money than I’ll ever see from commissions, but a few extra bucks is nice!

Here’s the link again:

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.