Are you splitting your campaigns or ad group by keyword match type?

Are you splitting your campaigns or ad group by keyword match type? 

If so, this script is for you:

A very popular way to structure Google Ads accounts is by separating keywords by match types into different campaigns and/or ad groups. You can have the same keyword with different match types in a different campaign/ad group.

I still use this campaign structure quite often. It allows me to use (modified) broad keywords to discover new long-tail keywords with high conversion value. This way, I can do this without the risk of spending too much on the unknown long-tail searches that do not convert. Think, an alpha-beta campaign structure, with a limited budget for the discovery campaign.

On the ad group level, I use this structure when I want to control (lower) bids on the exact match version of a keyword, target different audiences, and/or use different ad copy. Think [leather jackets] versus +leather +jackets.

If you are also using this type of account structure, and are as clumsy as me, you will make match type mistakes; exact match might end up in your broad match campaigns or vice versa. This script makes sure your keyword match types are consistent with the match type you indicate in the naming of your campaigns/ad groups. 

As a bonus, this script also checks to make sure your keywords are formatted correctly for the specific match types (no dangling ‘ + ‘ signs).


– Nils

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.