a glimpse into our AI scripting future

I just asked GPT-4 to create a Google Ads Script for me.

The script it created first pulls the performance labels for the headlines and descriptions of my RSAs.

It then calls GPT-3 to ask it a general question on how it can improve headlines and descriptions of RSAs.

The script then takes this answer from GPT-3, combines it with the current assets and their performance scores, and then asks GPT-3 to create new headlines and descriptions for the ones that had a ‘LOW’ performance score… based on what it had just learned (from itself) on how to improve headlines and descriptions.

I had to fiddle with the prompts a bit and do some tweaking of the final script to get it to work, but GPT-4 was able to almost completely write the script itself.

Also, I would say the quality of new headlines and descriptions wasn’t top notch, yet definitely good enough for most of the accounts I’ve seen in my lifetime.

I am still working on the prompts, as they are not ready for prime time yet. Stay tuned for more…

– Nils

P.S. Want to finally get started writing your own Google Ads Scripts? If so, I’ve got good news for you!

If you can read English, you can create your own Google Ads Script.

In my Google Ads Scripts for Beginners workshop, you will learn exactly what to do to get your very own script running in your account. In ONE DAY.

Places are limited. Reserve your spot now: https://nilsrooijmans.com/google-ads-scripting-workshop-for-beginners/

I hope to see (and hear) you there!

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.