They killed BMM! What can we do?

This morning, my inbox was flooded with some interesting poetry:

“I am starting to get seriously pissed off with Google doing all this match type muddling non-sense.”

“Sick to the stomach of those greedy sons of B-es hiding search terms and needlessly messing up term matching just to push more people into their overspending AI black box.” 

“F#$k, I now need to restructure my whole damn EXACT+BMM account.”

“Please tell me they are joking. Not again this SHIT!”

“Google does ‘no evil’ again. Limiting our ability to fine-tune results and actually make money for our clients. F#$k you Google!”

I am pretty sure you already know the reason for this volcanic eruption of refined complaints; Google is sunsetting Broad Modified Match and expanding Phrase match. (Source:

What can we do about this?

Not much.

Google has no real competitors when it comes to search advertising. 

Monopolies can and mostly will do whatever they please, whatever is best for them.

You can expect Google to keep making cash-grabbing changes to their platform as long as they need to show revenue and profit growth.

We can blame Google, we can blame the system. It’s not going to change a damn thing.

We need to embrace the change and work with what we’ve got.

Is there really nothing we can do to mitigate the impact of this change?

Stay tuned for tomorrow, when I will share some of my thoughts on how to flow with this new go. (Spoiler: it’s not all that bad.)

Meanwhile, you can:

  • Use and promote “less evil” (haha!) competitors like Duck Duck Go and Bing.
  • Call upon Apple to finally release their own search engine.
  • Pray the automation overlord will respect its promise to “respect word order when it’s important to the meaning.” 

– Nils

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.