Are you in conflict with your keywords?

Recognize this?

You inherit an account with thousands and thousands of negative keywords spread all over the place like spaghetti sauce. No clue as to whether or not all these keywords still make sense, or will be blocking your newly-discovered golden growth opportunities.

Here’s the thing: as a GAds account grows, so does the amount of keywords, both positive and negative.

Managing all these negative keywords is boring as dog sh!t, a gear-grinding time sink, and prone to error.

Luckily, the Google developers were sensitive to some of this negative energy and came up with a script to relieve a part of the burden:

This script checks your negative keywords to see if you are blocking any valuable keywords that are relevant to your audience. The script will find and save all conflicts to a Google Sheet, which is then sent to you via an email alert. 

The next step for you is to take action to remove these conflicts — either remove the terms from your negative keyword list or pause the keyword.

If you are not yet running this script in all your accounts, I highly recommend you do. It will only take a couple of minutes and three sips of coffee to set them up.

What are you waiting for?

– Nils

PS: I am looking for new scripting ideas to optimize the management of negative keywords. What tasks would you like to see automated?

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.