Easily build a report to see how your competitors are doing in Google Ads

Want to quickly see how your competitors are doing in your auctions?

Google Ads auction insights offer some amazing data, but the numbers are hard to compare and do not show trends over time. Analysing the data in the tables quickly becomes an excruciating exercise in number crunching.

Imagine having nice little graphs that show trendlines with your ‘impression share’ and ‘top of page rates’ compared to your competitors. A picture says more than a thousand numbers, right?

Luckily for us, our friends at Optmyzr created a nice little tool to help us out — enter the Auction Insights Visualizer:


This tool allows you to drag and drop the data from Google and instantly turn it into a series of customizable charts that are suitable for sharing with a client or manager.

Here’s a 5-minute video that shows you how to quickly understand how competitor behavior has changed over time:


ACTION: Why not take a 10-minute break and try this for last month’s auction data in your top campaign?

– Nils

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.