firefighters and fire marshals 

The problem is NOT that you are too busy.

You will always be too busy, and that will never change.

There will always be Google Reps to shut up, negative keywords to add, 404 pages to fix, mobile app placements to exclude, derailed bidding strategies to correct course, disapproved ads to fix, out of stock items to pause, depleted budgets to hide, clients to report to, and managers to tell to go F themselves.

The problem is that you’re acting like a firefighter instead of a fire marshal. You’re constantly rushing from one fire to the next, never slowing down to install smoke detectors. 

The problem is that few fires need to become dangerous, and you’re not taking the time to prevent them from doing so.

Most fires start with an innocent little flame. A flashing spark that brings light and fuels your creativity. But you are not paying attention. And that little flame just gets bigger. And bigger. Until you can show your firefighting skills again, experience the thrill, and feel busy. 

Installing smoke detectors may sound boring, and even require some new skills, but it will make you feel less busy.

Don’t get addicted to fighting fires.

– Nils

PS: Looking for some good smoke detectors? Check out the Alert category in my list of 400+ Google Ads Scripts.

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.