Automagically adding radius targeting in bulk

Imagine having to spend 2 hours per day adding radius targeting to your campaigns:

1. Grab a coffee while the Google Ads interface loads your campaign view
2. Click Campaign Settings
3. Stare at the screen in full awe, not understanding why it takes ages to load
4. Click Locations
5. Click Advanced Search
6. Lookup target
7. Set radius
8. Click Save
9. Navigate to the next campaign
10. Wait for at least 5 seconds (seconds that feel like forever) for the page to load
11. Click Locations, click Advanced Search, lookup target, set radius, click Save
12. Rinse and repeat

All the above. For two hours. Every day.

Yesterday, one of my clients complained about this horror show and asked me if we could automate this process using scripts.

He was looking for a solution that automagically adds radius targets based on location names (i.e., cities) in the campaign name.

Good news: you can use scripts to add radius targets in bulk!

Here’s a code snippet to help you get started:

If you want to automate your radius targets too and have me create your script for you, send me an email at

– Nils

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.