“If it wasn’t for scripts, I wouldn’t have clients and ex-clients referring clients to me.”

A few weeks ago I sent out an email listing the top 5 benefits for agency owners when it comes to using scripts. (Here’s a copy of it, for your convenience: https://nilsrooijmans.com/daily/why-agency-owners-love-scripts)

Good friend of the list Sanja Jovanovic (name shared with permission) replied with a lovely message that clearly illustrates one of the advantages :

If it wasn’t for scripts, I wouldn’t have clients and ex-clients referring clients to me.

One of my fav clients had to cut the budget for external agencies so we’re not working together anymore, though I still have access to their account.

I use the new search term alert script and emailed them today to check in and say they are paying $700 per click for a competitor search term and they should look into expanding their negative keyword lists.

The feedback was greatly appreciated. I firmly believe they will be back as soon as they get more funding.

Question for other agency owners: have you experienced similar benefits from using scripts lately?

Oh, and here’s the link to the script Sanja mentioned:


– Nils

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.