4 practical tips if you want to change product feed provider

Ever thought about getting rid of some expensive product feed management platforms that do not create that much value?

I am currently in the midst of a process like this.

Luckily, Kirk Williams has some great advice on how to do so without tanking results:

  1. Start the new feed container before you get rid of the old container. (Best to let them run next to each other for a few months before shutting the old one down.)
  2. Don’t migrate all products at once. Start with some middle-of-the-road products that do show significant volume, but aren’t in your top segments.
  3. Make sure the item IDs in the new feed match the IDs from the old feed.
  4. Make as many as possible feed attributes in the new feed match the data in the old feed.

Here’s the link to Kirk’s video:

Be sure to check out some of his earlier vids too, all great stuff!

– Nils

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.