Be in the know when someone, or something makes changes in your Google Ads account.
Change happens.
Some changes are good. Other changes…not so much.
Occasionally, some of the most terrible changes pop up in your change history.
And the worst thing…they do so without you noticing!
Remember that last client of yours? That stubborn, overly self-confident ego-driven maniac?
He decided he knows best.
Made some “minor” changes to your carefully optimized account.
All by himself.
Changing ad copy, reducing test budgets, and adding non-brand keywords to your BRAND campaign…the horror.
Or maybe that overly ambitious intern that joined your team last week…Negating keywords all over the place!
And let’s not forget the worst of the worse; your colleague accidentally hitting the ‘Apply’ button next to one of Google’s Recommendations.
Oh dear.
Here’s the thing:
It is your job to manage and optmize your account.
Therfore you want be in the know when someone else makes any unanticipated change.
And you want to know immediately!
Thankfully, there’s a script for that!
Today I am sharing a stripped-down version of one of my favorite scripts in my private stack:
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