Google Ads segment view

Yesterday, we talked about Google’s Search Partner network and how its performance changed dramatically since November 17, 2021. 

The mail generated a lot of responses — thanks for that!

Many of you saw sort of similar results: a drastic increase in clicks without corresponding increase in conversions –> higher CPAs.

I also received quite a few questions on “how to check the performance of your search partners for Q4 2021.”

Luckily for us, Google made it very easy in the interface. It’s less than 30-second work.

Simply go to your campaign (or ad group) view and then:
1. Click ‘Segment’
2. Click ‘Network (with search partner)’
3. Change the metric to impressions (or click) to see a nice graph that shows the impact of the November 17 change

Here’s an example of one of my ad groups (click image to enlarge):

Also, while you’re at it — why not explore some more segments to see how your impressions and clicks are distributed?

– Nils

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.