Do you want to know where your ads show in Performance Max campaigns?

Do you want to know where your ads show in Performance Max campaigns?

As you are probably already aware, Performance Max is a new campaign type that shows your ads on all of Google’s networks: Google Search, Google Shopping, Google Display Network (GDN), Google Discover (Newsfeed), YouTube, Gmail, and Maps. 

I am still experimenting with this new campaign type, but here’s an early lesson I think is worth sharing:

You can create placement reports for your Performance Max campaigns that show where your ads are shown!


In theory, you could use that information to exclude BAD placements at the account level (like we do with Smart Shopping) to prevent wasted ad spend on sites like parked domains.

The great PPC Kirk shows us just how to do this here:

Let’s test if this works for your Performance Max campaigns?

– Nils

PS: If you are experimenting with Perf Max campaigns, please let me know. I would like to create a small community of PPC freaks that are on the fringe of testing this new campaign type.

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.