Do you want to prevent Google from spending 2x your daily budget?

“Nils, what are the top scripts we should be using for pacing our budgets?”

Budget management can be annoying as hell, especially when your client is limited by budget.

Google’s overdelivery algorithm, allowing it to spend 2x your daily budget, doesn’t really make life easier, does it?

Here’s a very basic script to help you out:

Limit AdWords Overdelivery to Any Amount You Want


What it does: 
The script fetches every active campaign’s daily budget and accrued cost for the day. If the cost exceeds the daily budget plus the allowed percentage of overdelivery, it will label that campaign and pause it.

Why you’d care: 
Back in 2017, Google introduced a feature that allows it to spend up to 2x your daily budgets. This overdelivery mechanism makes it harder to limit spend to the amount you want, unless you use this script.

Unfortunately, this script has its limitations as it cannot work with shared budgets. Modifications are also needed to make it work with shopping or video campaigns. And for re-enabling paused campaigns, setting up an additional rule or script (in addition to this script) is a must. All these are possible, just not with the standard version of the script.

If you’re interested in any of the advanced options for this script, contact me for details on how I can help you. My email address is

– Nils

PS: Here are some more ideas for your inspiration and to get a feel of what is possible with scripts:

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.