every single audience inside Google Ads, in one complete list

In Google Ads, knowing what audiences are available for you to target is hard. Horribly hard, if you ask me.

You have to go into the Google Ads interface (which still loads terribly slow) and use the tiny little search box to search for available audiences, just to know all that is available! 

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a complete list of every single audience inside Google Ads that you can target?

Enter the Google Ads Developer website:

Look under ‘Affinity categories’ and ‘In-market categories’. 

Amazing, right? 

That’s actually one of the benefits of creating Google Ads Scripts yourselves: you will learn some quirky details about the Google Ads platform that aren’t exposed via the standard support docs.

You want something even better?

Here’s the ZATO Google Ads Audience Targeting List of Affinity Categories & In-Market Segments. It is one super easy-to-read, color-coded, and completely filterable Google Sheet with all the audiences right at your disposal.

Great job guys!

– Nils

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.