Testing Responsive Search Ads In Display Campaigns 

Visiting /r/PPC on Reddit is part of my daily routines. It helps me stay in touch with what is buzzing in the PPC community. Every now and then, a crazy hack pops up. Here’s today’s catch:

This might have limited use for a lot of you on the sub but hear me out.

From time to time you will come across a client who has a legacy expanded text ad running in a display ad group that is performing very well. In fact, it can’t be defeated.

Even if you create a Responsive Display Ad that uses the exact same headline and description, for whatever reason, the new inventory that opens up due to it being an RDA seems to make the ad unprofitable. Or maybe it is the fact that Google forces you to add an image which makes it look too much “like an ad” to some people… who knows the reason.

The issue here? Google retired ETAs and doesn’t let you create them anymore, so if that ad gets disapproved for whatever reason, you are out of luck.

Thankfully I found this little hack in Google that let’s you add Responsive Search Ads into your Display ad groups.

If you try to copy a responsive search ad from a search campaign and paste it into a display campaign using the Google Ads interface, you will get an error message saying something along the lines of ‘this ad type is not supported’.

However, if you do it from the Google Ads Editor, it lets you post the ad without any issues.
 And you can even use dynamic location and countdown features! How cool is that? Being able to call out someone’s location within the ad on the display network!?

Hopefully this helps some of you that have come across this same issue.

SOURCE: https://www.reddit.com/r/PPC/comments/wwli01/ppc_pro_tip_of_the_day_testing_responsive_search/

It is loopholes like these that give you a (temporary?) unfair advantage so you can beat competition on GDN.

Let’s test?

– Nils

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.