A quick and easy way to test your GAQL queries

Here’s a scenario you might recognize. Google Ads script in the old script environment: works like a charm. Same script in the new environment: throwing errors all over the place, and/or simply timing out.

In these cases, there’s a big chance the issue is caused by some old AWQL queries that need to be migrated to the new GAQL format.

Migrating these queries takes some trial and error, and testing GAQL queries from within your code might just feel too cumbersome.

If you recognize what I am talking about, you might want to check out this (free) tool by our PPC friends at TrueClicks: https://gaql.app/

The tool allows you to perform GAQL queries on live Google Ads accounts that you have access to. Within seconds, you’ll see a table with the results of your query, which you can also export as an Excel file.

NOTE: The tool does require access to your account data.

Happy querying!

– Nils

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.