zoom in and out periodically

To miss the forest for the trees is a problem.

However, it’s just as problematic to miss the trees for the forest.

Being stuck in one mode or the other reflects a rigidity of focus.

If you don’t zoom in and out periodically to maintain an accurate perspective on your account(s), your thinking will be either:

1. too small to make a meaningful impact (i.e., tinkering with headlines for ads that get little impressions), or
2. too abstract to be effective in the real world (i.e., dumping all your products with different margins in a single asset group PMax campaign).

To my analytical, detail-oriented friends: maybe devote one day a month to zooming out by imagining the impact you’d like to have on the bigger marketing picture or what new audiences you could potentially reach with different campaign (types).

And to my big thinking, corner-cutting friends: maybe devote one day a month to zooming in by quietly listening to the nitty-gritty data folks who disagree with your approach in hopes of understanding the nuances of their insights.

Whichever one you need to do, I’d be willing to bet that doing so would make you more effective at reaching bigger goals, better ROIs.

– Nils

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.