Easily improve your Quality Score with these two filters

Quality Scores… yuck. The Quality Score metric is a black box and optimizing your quality score can be a huge time sink.

The value of optimizing keyword Quality Score is heavily debated amongst PPC practitioners. The controversy around AI’s existential risk is simply dwarfed by PPC Redditors and PPC Tweeps discussing the magic QS acronym…

Personally, I restrict my QS optimization efforts to a very limited set of keywords for which optimizing the QS is: 
A) making a significant difference (in number of clicks and/or average CPCs), and
B) easy to do

The easiest way to discover keywords that meet both criteria is to use filters in your keyword reports.

Filter 1: Find keywords with enough search volume and less than perfect “ad relevance.” Improving ad relevance is simply a matter of adding the keyword to your ad copy and extensions. Easy fix.

(You can click the images to enlarge and see filters.)

Filter 2: Find keywords with enough search volume and below-average score for “landing page experience.” Improving landing page experience can simply be a matter of mapping the keyword to a better landing page on your site. Another easy fix.

PRO TIP: Save these filters so that you can easily revisit them next month.

SUPER-PRO TIP: Hey, why not create a script to alert you when new keywords pop up that meet these criteria? You guessed it, I’ve got that one running. 🙂

– Nils

PS: If you are a native Dutch Google Ads Specialist with at least 1-2 years of experience, want to up your ad copy skills, and are interested in a part time job (2 hours per week), OR you know someone, please send me an email at nils@nilsrooijmans.com.

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.