easy tools to create simple scripts

Here’s a nice little tool I came across today: https://by-edoardo.com/google-ads-script-generator

It helps you create a very simple script that automatically generates a Google Sheet with your campaign stats.

1. Select the fields, metrics, and date range
2. Hit “Get Your Script”
3. Copy to clipboard
4. Paste in your Google Ads Script editor (for more instructions, visit my “How to install and run your first script” guide)
5. Create a Google Sheet and add the URL to the script (follow the instructions in the top section of the code)
6. Authorize, Preview
7. Schedule to run daily/weekly/monthly
8. PRO TIP: Ask ChatGPT to add some code to send you an email with a link to the sheet every time the report has been generated

– Nils


Want to learn how to create your own scripts via ChatGPT? Join my “5-Day ChatGPT and Scripts Challenge”.

More details: https://nilsrooijmans.com/5-day-chatgpt-and-google-ads-scripts-challenge/

Author: Nils Rooijmans

Google Ads Performance Architect with a passion for PPC Automation & AI, in particular via Google Ads Scripts.