How to Export Google Ads Data to Google Sheets, Using Scripts

Exporting PPC data for reporting or analyses is just horrible! For many of us, it’s a daily task that is fueling nightmares.
It takes way too many clicks and causes high blood pressures because of endlessly refreshing the slooooow loading interface.

Good news:
Exporting a single data report, only once, can easily be done via the Google Ads interface: you just need to find the download button at the right side of the report, then select “Google Sheets” to start the export.

Bad news:
If you need to export data from many different reports and different accounts every day, repeating this simple action over and over becomes tedious and can easily cost you countless hours per month. 

But what if you had the data delivered to you automatically every day, via a link to a Google Sheet, one click away from within your daily mail? You could be spending all those wasted data-export-generation-hours on strategy or other tasks to help you grow your business.

Thankfully, you can automatically export almost all Google Ads data to Google Sheets by using a Google Ads script. 

Here’s how:
Continue reading “How to Export Google Ads Data to Google Sheets, Using Scripts”

The Best Google Ads Scripts of 2020

Best Google Ads Scripts 2020
Best Google Ads Scripts 2020

With TONs of scripts out there where do you even begin?! 

Let me spare you the pain of endlessly searching for, installing and testing the best Google Ads scripts that came out in 2020. Here’s a list of my favorites.

Be sure to also check out my all-time list of over 300(!) Google Ads Scripts.

Continue reading “The Best Google Ads Scripts of 2020”